B2B brands need personal brands

B2B is a trust driven game. 

Your product can be great, you can have a great company brand, and those are good things.

But at B2B price points ($20k-$2m+), someone has to speak to someone. There has to be trust.

And it’s just hard to trust “a company”. Companies are faceless. They lack personality.

You know what doesn’t lack personality? A person. And people work at companies. 

More and more, B2B companies will need to realise that so much of the strength of their brand lies in the personal brands of their employees. 

If they can leverage those personal brands, everyone wins. 

The audience gets to put a real face to the company brand.

The company garners more trust since they have actual people integrated with the brand.

The employees win because they build a personal brand.

Building the company brand = building the company’s personal brands.