How to come up with SaaS marketing tactics

Shout out to Corey Haines for this method of finding the best marketing tactics for your SaaS.

There are literally thousands of potential marketing tactics you could choose to implement for your SaaS.

There is only one of you, maybe with a team if you’re lucky. In any case there is no way you can implement every marketing tactic you can think of.

So how do you choose? Here’s a great exercise I stole from Corey Haines:

Write down every marketing tactic that you could possibly think of implementing in a spreadsheet - you can find a great list of potential ideas on Corey’s website here.

Next to each tactic, create columns for: impact, confidence, ease/cost, and total.

Impact = how impactful this tactic could be for you SaaS if this went really well i.e. what’s the upper limit.

Confidence = how confident are you that you can make this tactic work.

Ease/cost = how easy and/or cost effective the tactic is to implement.

For each tactic give a score out of 10 for impact, confidence, and ease/cost.

Sum them in the total column, and sort the table by total.

So it might look something like this:

Item Potential Impact Confidence Ease/Cost Total
Cold email 8 4 5 17
Reach out to network 4 9 9 22
Linkedin ads 10 2 2 14

After doing that, you will have a list of potential marketing tactics you can implement.

Importantly, choose 2-3 only to implement. These will likely be the top 2-3 on your list, but maybe not if you choose to weight certain criteria heavier than others. It’s up to you.

Don’t try to implement them all at once - you’ll spread yourself too thin and hinder performance.

Focus your energy on 2-3.

Test, assess, scale if it works.

If it doesn’t work, move onto the next :)